Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

"If it was not for The DaVinci Method I do not think I would have ever found my passion!"
~ Theo Garber, President, Rivitz

As Seen on, The New York Times,, and USA Today

How to Transform Your Bipolar Temperament From a "Problem" into the Secret of Your Success!

It is seldom recognized that having bipolar comes with the gifts of genius level creativity and problem solving abilities. Many important people throughout history were bipolar, including:

  • Ludwig Beethoven
  • Vincent Van Gogh
  • Jimi Hendrix
  • Sylvia Plath
  • Edgar Allen Poe
  • Ted Turner
  • Ben Stiller
  • Axl Rose
  • Alvin Ailey
  • Francis Ford Coppola

This method is simple & easy to follow


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Garret LoPorto
CEO, Media for Your Mind, Inc.
Author of The DaVinci Method

Bipolar Disorder

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Let us be clear right from the beginning. The personality trait which leads to Bipolar Disorder is a great thing, but our society has not traditionally honored those with this gift. Because 9 out of 10 people do not have the DaVinci trait, popular opinion and culture tends to be intolerant of the DaVinci temperament and the DaVinci's general approach to life.

DaVincis are full of spontaneous and unexpected ideas and behavior. So, as you might expect, DaVincis are generally condemned or shamed for their new approaches or spontaneous actions - no matter how right they might actually be. If this condemnation and shaming is internalized by a DaVinci child, it generally leads to one of a myriad of personality or behavioral disorders.

One of the most common disorders developed is Bipolar Disorder. That does not mean that if you have the DaVinci trait, you must develop a disorder. But chances are if, in your formative years, you were exposed to environments hostile to your DaVinci temperament you probably have developed at least some traces of what Otto Rank called "neurotic tendencies" or what today is commonly called Bipolar Disorder.

So Bipolar Disorder and other disorders are basically the negative expression of the DaVinci temperament. Bipolar is generally the symptom of a frustrated and out of balance DaVinci. If you are a DaVinci and you have not cultivated yourself in a way that is compatible with your natural DaVinci temperament, you will most likely have developed Bipolar Disorder. This is curable.

Bipolar Disorder is the result of not working to your strengths when you have the DaVinci trait. Bipolar Disorder is the other edge of the DaVinci gene's double edged sword. With the DaVinci gene you will either be "in the flow" with your God-given brilliance or you will be struggling to fit in - trying to be like the other 90% of the population called "normal". You are not normal. You have a choice, let go and be brilliant with grace and ease, or struggle your whole life just to be mediocre. Bipolar Disorder is the direct result and symptom of rejecting your brilliance. Bipolar Disorder comes from forcing yourself to behave in artificial ways, (often fueled by your desire to "fit in"), instead of just letting go of "shoulds" and just being you.

You - with the activated DaVinci gene - basically have a choice: Be brilliant or suffer from the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder along with the potential to develop many other disorders like depression, ADDiction, narcissism, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, and bi-polar disorder.

Bipolar Disorder